merry x-mas

Merry x-mas,

I wish u all a very peaceful x-mas time and lot's of good partys with your best friends.
We have a really windy week behind us and it looks like it will calm down a bit for the next few days. I'm on the water every day, practicing big air kiteloops and pumping the adrenaline.

The island is full for the next weeks, the space for each kiter gets a bit smaller... still enough, if you don't have to kite in front of the crowd all the time.
Every time i see all the crowd on white beach, i wonder how many people we need on one side of the island to flip it?
The preparation for the x-mas and new years party i s full on. We'll have our annual x-mas party in our Kiteresort tomorrow. All kite schools from Bulabog come together and celebrate with a big BBQ buffet. After that we will hit white beach for more boooze and party. 25. December and 1.january our school will be officially closed. Also instructors have a right to be hungover (-: The main reason i like x-mas over here much more then back in Europe is, that the people here are not about midnight and sunday shopping, spending as much money as possible on gifts because other people might give you more respect if the gift was very expensiv, that's all bulls*+"t,  this is about comin together and celebrate.
keep your life changing and look forward to another successful year...
life is a beach, Love

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