Negombo at last

Time has come to say good bye to Sri Lanka.
I had a great time here and would like to thank all the people along our way thru Sri Lanka.
We had a seriously good time here wt lots of good people who helped us and gave us a lot of tips and hints where to go and what to see... as we did not really plan much ahead. I think that is the best way of travel, to listen to the locals and not to guidebooks only, specially if u like to see some real people and not just the once that are focused on tourism and money.

So first of all thx to Mischi for the great hospitality and time here at his home in Negombo and at Kite Kuda. Has been great to see u again after so many years... it's been a while since we learned to kite in Costa Rica.
The to Disliri, Leo and Mike for the great time in Kite Kuda and the special treatment, the downwinders, the flat water lagoon sessions and good nights at the bonfire. U guys been a great help to our trip as well.
Good luck wt all ur projects and i will be back for sure ((-;
and hey... not to forget my travel mate Kathrin, has been some great travels, relaxed and slow riding bus rides, some hikes and always good choices for dinner... enough bus ride for the whole year now. I also send some special thx to Google to solve our funny question problems that came to our minds while sitting for hours in the busses. u can find some of them in the did u know sections of my last few blogs...

Off to Hong Kong tonight, to meet up wt Cabrinha and Neil to discuss the new KTA season and i got a new neardy baby waiting for me there.. (-: i'm officially Mac'ified as well as all my new toys for the water aiaaiaiiaiii... ready to test em out on Boracay!

...btw did u know that there are nearly as many different sign languages as our normal spoken one. This question came up on a random bus ride where we seen two guys talking to each other in sign language.. we ask our selfs if we would understand them if we could speak the German sign language.

sooo long and good time last forever in my memories
peace out

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