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I made it back onto the water again, after a few days break due to the rib issue i’m back on the water. I could not use my waist harness yet, as this would push exactly into the bruised ribs, so I went out wt a seat harness and a Cabrinha 183 Raceboard. It’s good fun to discover the bay in no time with such a board.
Tuesday afternoon we had a customer comin in with a water plane for an hour kiting, he was comin in dangerously low over the umbrellas at the swimmers zone and in the middle of lot’s of kiters.

We made a little photo shooting session wt the plane in the bay, and the guys tried to make it look like they would jump the plane. Afterwards we got the chance to have a little sightseeing flight around the bay. For the start we all had to move as much forward as possible in the plane, it was funny not to have a flat runway instead we had a bumpy choppy water start. Right after the start we took a hard turn and headed back for the beach… which we passed just a few meters above ground, which did not make all beach users very happy but we got a lot of fun and some good shots (-: From here on we went down to Marmaris and back to the Gökova bay in about 30min. The pilot said he can actually do some rolls wt this plane, but one of the passengers did not like the idea, so all went pretty smooth until we landed again on the water… which is as bumpy as the start.
The pilot was actually one of Turkey’s best; he’s got his own airline for private charters. So here I want to thank to Bonair for this special flight and experience.

Now I got two days left then I’m back in Swizzy land for a few weeks before I will leave to Asia again… starting in Taiwan this year.

Find more pictures in my Gallery!!!

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