my life in Switzerland

My life in Switzerland.. is pretty dam booring...
donno anymore how people can do that here, work from 7AM -5 or 6PM, goin home, sleep, work... and at the weekends your too tired to go out, you gotta squeez all that goin out with friends into 2nights a week, because u gotta work early again... and for what... to build a house, make a family and think ur happy all about it, even though u swear the whole day at work about pretty much everything, specially ur boss.
Why? Happiness money can't buy, not with a house nor wt 4weeks of vacation /year... At judgement day no one cares if u had money or not, but if u lived ur life or if u just talked about it..

Explore, Dream, Discover!

I'm looking forward to go back to Asia soon to have some more fun, warm weather and KITE... and work when i feel like and enjoy the company of many island friends. I don't make much money there, but i don't need it to be happy. My living standards are basic, a little hut with a roof, a gas burner and a bed.. all i need, but my living quality is far higher then anyone can dream of here.


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