Silvaplana... the 4th KTE tourstopp

we do it again... just 3days had past since we ended the last event in Sylt. The forecast looked very promissing for the next 4days.

I went up to silvaplana wt the train, as the mountains were a bit steep for my vespa... The train ride is one of the most scenic rides in Europe, along the Swiss mountains. The railroad climbs up the mountains smooth like a snake.
What a blast, the first day skippers meeting was early as usuall...10AM, we had set up a freestyle square and a course for the racing already by that time.

It was a great meet n greet again, as most competitiors came straight from Sylt. I gotta say it feels like a big family on the KTE, u know everyone and u can have a good day at the lake and a hard night in the bars.

The judge team was very international again and we got a good bond all together.

Silvaplana lake has some special conditions for the riders, u gotta use a 2meter bigger kite then usual, caused by the thin air up here on 1700m.
The wind should start if there is a slight breez from north east and the sun is out.
On Friday we got blessed wt winds all afternoon till the rain came around 5PM, we got the full single elimination ladder done, races were postponed to the next day after the wind did not come back till 6PM. So we went for dinner around 7PM and all of a sudden all kite were back out in the water till after 8PM.
The next day promissed some good winds all afternoon... but we got 0... so we did some SUP board racing and slack line. We called it a day again around 6PM... 6.15PM the wind kicked in again.. we could have done some races till 8PM but when u call it a day u can't get back. So we had to hope for Sunday... pricegiving ceremony was scheduled for 3PM...

Most rider didn't show up till late, cause they know that winds here do not blow before noon. It looked like we didnt get wind for the racing.. think that would have been the first event wt FS done but no racing... last announcement 2.30PM... and again by surprise the wind came back. Light but enough for a race.
So we got it all done again... everyone was happy that we did it.

I had a good ride back wt Bruno Sroka from France. He lifes at the north west tip of France and had a long (12h) way home after dropping me off in Zurich.
We had a good laugh when we drove throu Zurich behind Joharas colorful, graffity van. She was on tour wt Maike and Nicky and they had a good party in the van... lucky they did not cause a accident wt some drivers on the opposite lanes that could not stop staring at the van. (-:

So another successful event is done... Poland to come in August.

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